Free Weekly Google Ranking Reports
Free Weekly Google Ranking Reports
Local Businesses in the United States Only
We want to give you weekly updates on your Google ranking for your local business for absolutely FREE. All you have to do is sign up at the bottom of this page and you’ll start receiving emails straight to your inbox every week with your latest ranking for your local business on Google!
Is this really free?
Just Because. It would be even better if you shared it around Facebook and through email to your local business buddies!
What are the Weekly Google Ranking Reports?
They are a summary of where you local business website currently ranks on Google in your city for your keywords. Because 90% of people use a search engine these days to find a local service or product, ranking high on Google in your local area is more important than ever.
Who is eligible for the Weekly Google Ranking Reports?
Only local businesses and only local businesses located in the United States. If you are not a member of a local business, such as a member of a marketing agency or another 3rd party, please do not apply. We’ve created this opportunity just for local businesses only. We will reject any application not from a local business. Also, we do not support local businesses outside of the United States at this time. We may make this available in the near future.
How often do they come?
What do I need to get started?
A website and a list of 5 phrases (called keywords) that you think your customers are typing in on Google to find you locally. You’ll enter these in the form below.
What form are the reports given in?
You will receive a PDF emailed to you weekly.
How do I find what keywords people are typing in to find me?
If you’re getting that interested in Local SEO (search engine optimization), please fill out our interest form by clicking here. We will do a full audit of your local business website and let you know how we can help!
How many keywords can I track?
You can track 5 keywords although you can choose just to track 1 if you want. If you want to track more than 5, please contact us and we can set up something for you on a case by case basis.
Can I change keywords at some point?
Unfortunately, no. Once you give us your 5 keywords, it’s permanent. We do this as a free service and there is a limit to how much manual work we can do.
Can I track my keyword ranking in multiple cities?
Sure, but we may need to charge you for multiple cities, please contact us and we can set up something for you on a case by case basis.
Why local businesses only?
The tool has limitations and currently it is limited to helping local businesses.
Why in the US only?
Because right now that’s the only requests we can accommodate. Again, we may change this in the very near future.