Google AdWords is now testing a new ad extension, similar to call ad buttons, for sending SMS or text messages to the advertiser.
Here is a screen shot showing the message icon in the AdWords ad unit:
Clicking on the text messaging icon will allow you to text the company that is advertising on AdWords. When you click the icon, it opens your default messaging app. It prefills the text message with the advertiser’s information. In this specific case, the auto-populated message reads “[Zipwhip] I’m interested to learn more about Zipwhip.”
Here is another screen shot of the ad unit, with a call and text button in the ad unit:
We reached out to Google for more information and were given this statement:
We’re always experimenting with new ways to connect our advertisers to customers but don’t have further details to share at this time.
We received this information via an anonymous tip from a reader.