Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
From Search Engine Land:
- Report: AMP causing monetization frustration among some news publishers
Oct 28, 2016 by Greg SterlingSome publishers, such as CNN and The Washington Post, are having good experiences, however.
- Due to a bug, AdWords Partners are told their Search Ad specializations have expired
Oct 28, 2016 by Ginny MarvinThe bug is also affecting company specialization data in Partner accounts.
- The SEO power of portfolio entries, case studies & testimonials
Oct 28, 2016 by Marcus MillerContent marketing is great, but traditional content marketing approaches may not be applicable to small local businesses. Columnist Marcus Miller explains how small businesses can use portfolio content to capture targeted, relevant search traffic.
- Micro-moments and beyond: Understanding and optimizing for consumer intent
Oct 28, 2016 by Thomas SternWant to reach search engine users in their moments of need? Columnist Thomas Stern explains his process for mapping keywords and content to the customer’s path to purchase.
- Search in Pics: Google bumper car, pop up stores & Halloween decorations
Oct 28, 2016 by Barry SchwartzIn this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have and more. Google Partners pillow: Source: Instagram Google Halloween: Source: Instagram Source: Instagram Really big Android: Source: Google+ […]
- It’s not too late to maximize your Google Shopping in time for the holidays
Oct 27, 2016 by Digital Marketing DepotWhether you’re a beginner or a paid search pro, it’s not too late to improve your Google Shopping campaigns in time for the holidays. Join us for this November 10 webcast and learn how to optimize for search success with Google Shopping ads. Our expert panel will discuss: how to create “quick wins” in your […]
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