Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
From Search Engine Land:
- Machine learning for large-scale SEM accounts
Jul 1, 2016 by David FothergillCan machine learning be applied to your PPC accounts to make them more efficient? Columnist David Fothergill describes how he utilized machine learning to find new keywords for his campaigns.
- Help! I just launched a new website and my search rankings tanked!
Jul 1, 2016 by Will ScottInadvertently ruining your newly redesigned website’s SEO can be a nightmare. Columnist Will Scott explains four mistakes you must avoid before you launch.
- How to maintain content marketing focus in long-running SEO programs
Jul 1, 2016 by Derek EdmondColumnist Derek Edmond describes his company’s method for keeping SEO and content marketing teams performing at a high level for the duration of an ambitious campaign.
- Search in Pics: Android Nougat statue, John Kerry in self driving car & a Google chandelier
Jul 1, 2016 by Barry SchwartzIn this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have and more. Android Nougat statue: Source: Google+ Gary Illyes gives Zineb a platypus toy: Source: Twitter Google chandelier: […]
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