One of the most boring topics in technical SEO is robots.txt. Rarely is there an interesting problem needing to be solved in the file, and most errors come from not understanding the directives or from typos. The general purpose of a robots.txt file is simply to suggest to crawlers where they can and cannot go. Basic parts of the robots.txt file User-agent — specifies which robot. Disallow — suggests the robots not crawl this area. Allow — allows robots to crawl this area. Crawl-delay — Continue Reading ...
Posts Tagged ‘ SEO: Crawling and Robots ’
Exploring a newly-granted Google patent around social signals
Disclaimer: When discussing patents, it’s important to remember that simply filing a patent does not mean a technology is in use or will ever be used. It is simply a strong indication that an idea is being considered and likely tested. Every now and then, a patent comes across my radar that gets me excited, and one granted recently to Google fits that bill perfectly. We’re heard repeatedly from Google that social interactions are not a search ranking signal. In fact, you can read a Continue Reading ...
Is your HTTPS setup causing SEO issues?
Google has been making the push for sites to move to HTTPS, and many folks have already started to include this in their SEO strategy. Recently at SMX Advanced, Gary Illyes from Google said that 34 percent of the Google search results are HTTPS. That’s more than I personally expected, but it’s a good sign, as more sites are becoming secured. However, more and more, I’m noticing a lot of sites have migrated to HTTPS but have not done it correctly and may be losing out on the HTTPS ranking Continue Reading ...